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November 14, 2012 Update:
The School Committee met this evening for a regularly scheduled meeting. Based upon the recommendation of the Finance Subcommittee during its October meeting, the full committee approved the FY13 Adjusted Budget as presented. The fall adjusted budget represents a more accurate picture of spending, primarily based upon personnel changes and hiring, as the final budget is determined 6 months prior to the start of the school year. It is important to note that this budget reflects no increase in spending or assessment over the final budget, only a more detailed reallocation of personnel resources. Click HERE to download a copy of the Adjusted Fall Budget.
March 14, 2012 Update:
The School Committee met this evening to and finalized the FY13 Operating Budget. The Final Operating Budget for Fiscal 2013 presented represents the continuation of current services as they stand today, a response to new mandates, and targeted developments designed to keep specific students with special needs in the district. The budget is supported by a zero increase in health care costs, and significant savings in special education. While this budget maintains services levels in place today, policy regarding class size is not fully adopted in that two additional Grade 5 teachers are not funded. The total operating increase amounts to $721,721 or 2.08% more than the current year.
March 7, 2012 Update:
The School Committee met this evening to review the results of the public hearing this past Monday evening. In addition, the Administration provided various information in response to questions the Committee asked on Monday evening. Included at the right is a paper (Cuts From Tentative Scenarios) which takes a look at three cut scenarios working from the approved Tentative Budget. These denote the resulting total reduction to the budget and associated changes to the town assessments. It is important to note that these are three scenarios for illustration only, there are obviously many possibiities that remain in discussion.
In addition, the Superintendent reviewed potential cuts at the Middle and High School. many of which are not included in any of the scenarios. These included changes to World Language offerings at the Middle School, as well as changes in the class schedule and specials which would remove the affectiveness of the team model. Also discussed were possible reductions at the High School including the removal of Freshman athletics, non-replacement of the vacant Assistant Principal position, or the reduction of various courses with low enrollments. These included courses like Forensics, AP Chemistry, AP French, Ceramics, etc.
No decisions were made this evening, but the Committee asked for further cost detail on potential cuts to the District Curriculum/PD proposal, the Middle School, and the High School. These will be discussed along with a final vote on the FY13 Operating Budget next Wednesday, March 14th.
February 27, 2012 Update:
The School Committee will hold a public hearing on the Tentative FY13 Operating Budget on Wednesday, February 29th at 7.00 pm in the high school library.
The budget that has been proposed is essentiallya level service budgetdesigned to maintain current services and policies.
Some representatives of the towns have called informally fora level funded budget. A working paper that illustrates the implications of a level funded budget is included as a PDF file via link to the right.
In summary: a level funded budget that increases class sizes in each of four classes across the elementary schools, and removes Math and Literacy Specialist positions and a school counselor position from each elementary school, would still leave the committee about $100,000 short of a level funding target. It would also fail to provide additional resources to respond to new state and federal mandates.
The School Committee is anxious to hear your views on the priorities for next year’s operating budget.
February 8, 2012 Budget Update:
On the evening of Wednesday, February 8th, the Triton Regional School Committee voted to approve a tentative operating budget for fiscal year 2013. The tentative budget calls for spending of $35,999.989, which represents an increase in spending of $1,238,460 or 3.56%. Due to the calculation formula for the assessments to member communities, the increases to each town would vary with an overall net increase of a 4.98%.
The increases in the Tentative Budget reflect the increased cost of delivering level services for the 2012/2013 school year. In addition to the continuation of current programming, some of the key additions that the Tentative Budget provides are:
- Funding for a newly established Alternative Program at the High School for at-risk students
- Contract/Non-Discretionary Increases in the High School Athletics Program and the addition of a Freshman Softball Team.
- Addition of Middle School Adjustment Counselor
- Additional 5th Grade Teacher at Newbury Elementary to maintain low class sizes
- Additional 5th Grade Teacher at Pine Grove School to maintain low class sizes
- Additional supplies funding to equalize per capita spending across all elementary schools
- Funding for key professional development on district wide initiatives
- Funding for key technology infrastructure which begins to lay the foundation for future expansion of wired and wireless network access.
In addition, the document shared and discussed during the meeting which outlines the comparison of local spending, including spending on education and median local tax assessments, is included at the right.
The next steps in the budget development process include the public hearing on the budget which is scheduled for Wednesday, February 29th. We invite all members of the Triton Community to attend and provide feedback on the proposed budget.
Following the public hearing, the School Committee will consider and review the public hearing results on Wednesday, March 7th and give guidance to the Administration on final figures. A final budget will be presented and voted on Wednesday, March 14th.
JANUARY 31, 2012 UPDATE: The School Committee will be discussing and approving the Tentative Operating Budget for next year during the next eight days.
At their meeting tomorrow evening, Wednesday, February 1st at 7.00 pm in the high school library, the committee will review work done to date, and give guidance to the administration on the further development of the budget.
The document at the right outlines continued discussion about the proposals made by principals and program managers that would get us to an adequate budget. The document reflects a level services budget with subsequent costs necessary to achieve adequacy.
Next Wednesday (February 8th) the committee will continue its review and approve the initial budget that will be forwarded to the towns.
The FY13 budget cycle begins on Monday, January 9th with presentations from the principals and program managers that will allow for the School Committee to hear requests directly from district administrators. These requests will be presented alongside the School Improvement Plans which outline the goals and objectives for the upcoming year.
More information will be posted as we go through the process. The schedule is as follows: (All meetings are at 7:00 PM in the High School Library unless otherwise noted.)
– October through December: Internal Budget and School Improvement Plan (SIP) work and preparation
– December 21st: SIPS and Budgets due to Central Office
– December 21st to January 9th: District Review
– January 9th at 6:00 PM: Principal SIP & Budget Presentations: Newbury, Pine Grove, and Salisbury
– January 10th at 6:00 PM: Principal SIP & Budget Presentations: Middle and High School
– January 12th at 6:00 PM: District Department Budget Presentations: Special Education, Curriculum/PD, Technology)
– Thursday, January 19th at 7:00 PM: District Budget Advisory Meeting – HS Library
– Saturday, January 21st at 8:00 AM: School Committee Budget Workshop – Committee to Set Funding Priorities
– January 21st to February 1st: District Administrative Budget Preparation
– Wednesday, February 1, 2012: First Draft Budget Presentation to School Committee
– February 2nd through the 8th: Administration and Finance Sub Committee reviews draft 1
– Wednesday, February 8, 2012: Second Draft Budget Presentation to School Committee and Tentative Budget Voted
– February 10th: Tentative Budget Confirmed to Towns
– February 9th to March 8th: Administration and Finance Sub Committee reviews Tentative Budget
– Wednesday, February 29, 2012: Public Hearing on FY13 Tentative Budget
– Wednesday, March 7, 2012: Committee review of Public Hearing and Considers
– March 8th through the 14th: Administration and Finance Sub Committee reviews and adapts Tentative Budget as needed.
– Wednesday, March 14, 2012: Final Budget Presented and Voted