English Learner services (EL) provides additional support to EL students as they learn English while also mastering concepts in the areas of Math, Language Arts, Science and Social studies. Students receiving EL services are expected to meet the same criteria as their English-program peers. These services provide instruction to students identified under Massachusetts Chapter 71A and No Child Left Behind, Federal Law, as limited English proficient students.
An EL student is identified through the use of a Home Language Survey. The student’s academic records are also reviewed for related information. The district will use an intake screening, which evaluates the student’s oral reading, writing, and speaking proficiency levels. EL assessment is based on the state’s requirements. After all necessary assessments have been completed, the child’s parent(s) and/or guardian(s) is notified of the child’s eligibility for services. At this point the parent(s) and/or guardian(s) have a right to decline services. If the child is identified as needing EL services and the parent(s) and/or guardian(s) accepts this invitation, the student is enrolled in a traditional classroom setting with a Sheltered English Immersion trained teachers.
To monitor the progress in acquiring academic English, EL students participate in ACCESS (Assessing Comprehension, and Communication in English State-to State for English Language Learners). This assessment is a secure large-scale English language proficiency assessment given to Kindergarten through 12th graders who have been identified as EL.
A team of teachers review the progress of EL students and FEL (Former English Learner group) throughout the year. Students who are receiving EL instruction may meet the Exit Criteria in order to be discharged. In order to be considered a FEL student, he/she must demonstrate fluency of grade level language and complete grade level assignments independently. The student must receive favorable results on all state mandated testing. A team of educators, including the EL teacher and classroom teacher, will review students’ progress using a set criteria and make recommendations to the instructional plan. If the team determines an EL student should exit the program the school district must have parental consent.