January 18 – 20, 2022
The FY23 budget cycle began on Tuesday, January 18, 2022 with presentations by the principals and district administrators being made directly to the School Committee. Meetings were held on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings, January 18th, 19th & 20th.
Throughout the process, the ‘Updates’ tab will be kept current after each meeting of the School Committee, including a recap of the discussion as well as any other pertinent documents being uploaded to the site.
The schedule for the School Committee budget development process for fiscal year 2023 is as follows:
- Initial Presentations: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, January 18th – 20th – 6:00 PM
- School Committee Workshop: Saturday, January 29th – 8:00 AM
- School Committee Budget Deliberation: Wednesday, February 2nd – 7:00 PM
- School Committee Budget Deliberation and Vote on Tentative Budget: Wednesday, February 9th – 7:00 PM
- School Committee Formal Public Hearing: Wednesday, February 16th – 7:00 PM
- School Committee Budget Deliberation: Wednesday, March 2nd – 7:00 PM
- School Committee Budget Final Vote: Wednesday, March 9th – 7:00 PM
January 29, 2022
On Saturday, January 29th, the School Committee held their budget workshop to review all budget requests from the prior week. The documents linked below outline a summary of all requests made by principals and administrators, noting which are ‘must do’, as well as a prioritization of the remaining requests as either ‘higher’, ‘middle, ‘ or ‘lower’ priority. Those items categorized as must do’s are truly fixed costs, and would provide the same level of services in 2023 as in the current year.
At this point in the budget process there are still a few major budget drivers that are being estimated in anticipation of more formal figures; the most significant of which being healthcare costs. Currently PEC has placed the District-sponsored health & dental insurance plans out to bid, and we are awaiting responses from the healthcare carriers. The current budget document includes an 8% increase to all medical and dental insurance premiums. This will be further refined on February 2nd, when we anticipate hearing back from the healthcare carriers.
In addition, the committee reviewed models of what the impact on community assessments would be based on various spending levels. It was noted that outside of increased spending, the changes in student enrollment would have a significant impact on the current year assessments to communities.
The Superintendent and Leadership Team will review the discussion and guidance provided and return on February 2nd with a proposed listing of all changes to current services. The Committee will review and provide additional direction that evening, which will be the basis of the Tentative Budget presented for approval on February 9th.
FY23 Initial Requests – Summary Totals – January 29, 2022
FY23 Assessment Scenarios – January 29, 2022
Enrollment and MLC – January 29, 2022
February 2, 2022
On Wednesday, February 2nd, the School Committee continued its review of the FY23 budget. The spending plan detailed on January 29th outlined ‘must do’ increases in spending in order to maintain a level services budget, as well as a prioritization of all other new budget proposals/requests. The proposed changes on the document linked below detail those assumptions from January 29th along with updated figures and assumptions since that time. Of note, medical insurance was updated to reflect a 0% increase to all medical insurance premiums, and a (-7.3%) decrease to all dental insurance plans. As a result of these anticipated renewal rates, as well as decreased participation in district-sponsored medical insurance plans, we are projecting approximately $200,000 in savings as part of the FY23 Budget for these fixed charges.
Along with the medical/dental premium savings outlined above, the District is also recognizing an additional $323,000 of personnel cost savings in the FY23 budget. Due to the significant number of staff who retired or left the District over the course of the pandemic, the difference between where the former staff and the current staff landed on the corresponding collective bargaining agreement salary scale yielded these savings.
Also included in the FY23 budget proposal are a few select, high impact and strategic initiatives. These new initiatives include funding ($75,000) the third and final year of a 3 year phase in plan to provide tuition-free full day Kindergarten for all Triton students. Other new initiatives include a District Therapeutic Program, as well as an SEL Educator and a Social Worker to further meet the social/emotional needs of students. Overall, the proposed plan outlined on February 2nd carries an increase to spending over the current year by approximately $1.6 million (3.45%). The full details of these changes are included in the document linked below, along with an assessment summary that details what the increase in spending yields for an assessment to our member towns.
Proposed FY23 New Spending – Feb 2nd
Potential Assessment – Feb 2nd
March 2, 2022
On Wednesday, March 2nd, the School Committee convened for formal budget deliberations. Updates to the FY23 operating budget included a further decrease to health insurance costs as a result of the anticipated plan renewal rates. Additionally, the FY23 capital assessment to the three communities was reduced by $90,000 through the use of available Excess & Deficiency funding (E&D). This use of E&D to offset the capital assessment is in accordance with the HS Stadium Debt funding plan. Further discussions of the FY23 budget included a review of the strategic new spending included in the FY23 Tentative Budget, specifically the proposed new positions.
March 9, 2022
On Wednesday, March 9th, the School Committee unanimously approved the FY2023 Final Budget. See “Final Budget” tab above. With the passage of the final budget, we now await approval in our member towns. In order for the budget to pass, it must be approved in 2 of 3 member towns.