School Committee Overview
School Committee
Welcome to the webpage of the Triton Regional School Committee. This site was designed to provide information to the public about the School Committee and the work that is being done on behalf of the students of our district.
The Triton Regional School District consists of nine members. Three members are elected from each of the towns of Newbury, Rowley, and Salisbury by a majority vote across the district. Each member serves for a three year term. Elections are held each spring for one seat per town. This rotating schedule provides for continuity of membership on the committee.
The School Committee is in charge of setting educational goals and policies, as well as reviewing and approving the annual budget. In addition, the School Committee is responsible for hiring and evaluating the Superintendent, who is the educational leader and chief executive officer in charge of overseeing the administration of the school district in a manner consistent with the district goals and policies.