

Grades: K-6

About: DIBELS 8thEdition consists of 1 minute fluency measures and is used as a universal screener as well as a benchmark assessment and for progress monitoring.

Link: Dibels 8


Grades: 2-6

About: The i-Ready Diagnostic is an online adaptive assessment that adjusts questions to help determine how to best support student learning.

Link: i-Ready Diagnostic


Grades: 3-6

About: The Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System is an annual statewide exam that measures students’ progress towards grade-level standards. The results help educators adjust curriculum and instruction.

Link: MCAS

District Writing Prompt

Grades: K-6

About: In January of each year, all students in grades K-6 are assessed using a District Writing Prompt. The purpose of this assessment is to guide instruction, establish a baseline for student growth and share instructional strategies and differentiation techniques.


Grades: K-2

About: Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN) is a task that involves quickly and accurately naming repeated sets of familiar items. RAN measures are brief, individually administered assessments that are used in kindergarten, first grade and the beginning of second grade.