Homework Guidelines

We as a district are united in a set of beliefs about homework, its purpose, and implementation.

When assigned, homework should consistently:

  • extend learning opportunities.
  • provide students with the opportunity to review and practice previously learned skills.
  • expose students to material in preparation for future learning
  • be both meaningful and purposeful.
  • be developmentally appropriate to meet the needs of students to whom it is assigned.
  • be manageable for all students.

Guidelines will be implemented across all schools within the district to ensure consistency in regards to the practice and use of homework, including the frequency, duration, implications of grading and reporting, and communications. In addition, consideration for developmental differences in students across grade levels is reflected herein. These guidelines are intended to reflect the progression of students’ academic and social/emotional skills, and their ability to handle and benefit from the increasing demands of both the frequency and duration of assigned homework through the academic years, and promote effective and efficient study skills.

View the full district homework guidelines HERE.