
In grades K-6 we report student progress using standards-based report cards. There are two main sections of each report card: the content area learning standards (academic subjects) and the personal growth and development expectations. The academic areas of the report card reflect the essential knowledge and skills every child should master. These skills are based on the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks and the District’s grade level learning standards, and are identified accordingly on the report card. Evidence of mastery is based on ongoing formal and informal assessment practices in the classroom. These assessments may include pre- and post-tests, projects, running records, observations, standardized tests, check-lists, portfolios, and self-assessments. Report card grades reflect student performance for each trimester.

Triton uses a layered assessment approach that enables teachers to monitor student growth, identify students needing additional support or enrichment, measure progress toward meeting the Massachusetts state standards, and effectively plan instruction. In addition to local assessments, the District provides teachers effective assessment tools such as Dibels (Dynamic Indicator of Basic Early Literacy Skills, iReady, DRA(Developmental Reading Assessment), and AIMSweb (curriculum based measurement for progress monitoring). These research based assessments are reviewed collaboratively at data meetings in order to determine the needs of each student.

In grades 7-12 students participate in statewide, district, and school level assessments. These assessments can be formal (to help guide instruction) or summative (measure achievement). Teachers meet regularly to review assessment results. These meetings are lead by trained data coaches. The district is committed to using quality assessments that serve a clearly stated purpose. Because of this commitment, the district is under a review process of current assessments given in grades